Reputation Management Consultant Reviews – Who Uses a Rep Management Service

More and more people are beginning to understand just how important an online reputation is and this is why so many people are looking to the services of a reputation management company. A friend of mine works in a high profile company like this and if you look at their reputation management consultant reviews you’ll see just how many people and businesses are heavily using their services, all of whom seem to be very happy with the results. I often wonder who uses these companies and services, so I asked my buddy to lift the lid on which type of clients they have.
It is of course, a given that businesses make up the largest proportion of the clients who use this reputation management service, but I wanted to know which types of businesses are using it the most. My buddy tells me that at his firm the most popular type of business which uses their company are those in the service industry such as restaurants and hotels. This makes a lot of sense actually given that when you put yourself in the service industry, you are opening yourself up to criticism which can damage your online rep. Beyond this there are many companies in the legal sector who use their service, in many cases because of the type of work they do and how that is often perceived by the media.
Young Professionals
One surprising type of clients which my friend told me about is that of young professionals, usually who wish to apply for certain jobs. The reason for this he explained is that many employers are now carrying out their own background checks on their applicants using the web. Given that so many people have been sharing their lives online for a number of years, this can of course throw up content or images which the young professional would rather that their prospective employers don’t see when considering them for a job. In truth this for me is the best use of a reputation management company, as people should not lose the chance of employment for something which they did or said many years ago.
Wealthy Namesakes
Another interesting nugget of information which my friend told me was that they have had a number of wealthy clients who have used their service as a result of something which their namesakes have done . Let’s say that John Doe from Chicago is a CEO of a large business, and another John Doe from Illinois commits a crime which is newsworthy, very quickly this mistaken identity can happen and that can be damaging on both a personal and a business level. It makes perfect sense of course that if this happened you would seek to resolve it and that is why many will turn to a reputation management consultant to fix this clear confusion in identity which exists online.
There is an interesting mixture of people who use this service isn’t there?