
According to a Top Resume Writer for Executive Positions, Here’s What it Takes to Be an Executive

Did you know that the salaries for executive positions range from $80,000 to nearly $800,000 per year? Even on the low end, an annual salary of $80,000 is amazing. You’re probably wondering to yourself, where can I sign up to be an exec? Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. 

Holding an executive-level position basically means you serve as a leader within a company. There is a lot involved in leading employees, but it takes even more than just leadership to be an exec. According to a leading resume writer for executive positions, here’s what it before you can even start thinking about applying for an executive leader within a company. 

Earn a Bachelor’s Degree

The first requirement is obviously that you must have a college degree. A great place to start is by earning a Bachelor’s degree in your in the specific field. Some exec positions will even allow you to have only a Bachelor’s degree as long as you have the proper career experience (we’ll talk about that next. But others require you to have a graduate-level degree of some sort. The first step, though, it to earn a Bachelor’s degree. 

Receiving a degree in business is the smartest thing you can do if becoming an executive is on your list of future career goals. But of course you must think about the field you wish to enter; if you plan on working as an executive within an engineering company, earn an engineering degree instead. 

Gain Valuable Career Experience

Once the degree is earned and your diploma has been framed and hung on the wall, the work doesn’t stop there. In fact, it has just begun. The next step is to gain experience, and not just one or two years of experience. Before you can apply for an exec-level position, it is recommended that you have 5+ years of experience in your field. 

Having more than 10 years or more will make you a more desirable candidate and greatly increase your chances of landing the job. If you don’t have experience, you’ll never be considered for any exec position. While gaining the necessary experience within your field, it is important to start developing skills in leadership, communication, conflict resolution, and management. 

Head Back to School

Depending on the executive position you have your sights set on, it might be a good idea to head back to school for a graduate-level degree. If you’re planning on being a CEO some day, then you should definitely not skip this step. According to a leading source, here is a helpful tip to follow while attending grad school:

“Build a network. Aspiring executives will interact with one another when taking courses and attending program-sponsored events. They may take the opportunity to get to know classmates for networking and job opportunities. Students can create an organized networking plan to meet and keep track of contacts.”

As you can see, becoming an executive requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and specific skills and qualifications. No wonder execs have such a high annual salary!
